

Bonaventure Olutoyin Adebeshin (aka Bona Vee), a seasoned music & film producer/engineer, author, singer/songwriter, webmaster, domain investor, and an Internet Marketer - obviously, a man of many parts - is the Founder and CEO of Bona Vee Music LLP, Nigeria.

Bona Vee started writing songs and poems in his secondary school days in Nigeria. He thereafter intensified his poetry/songwriting when he moved to the United Kingdom (UK) for further studies. 

Bona Vee studied Marine Navigation in the UK. He did his practical training, and subsequently worked with Palm Line Shipping Company of London, England as a Merchant Navy Officer (Deck). He later transferred his professional services to the Nigerian National Shipping Line (Nigerline) and served on various Nigerian ships, including the River Ogun which was the first Nigerian ship to bring into Nigeria from the U.S.S.R., materials for the construction of the very important Ajaokuta Steel Complex. 

While in the UK, Bona Vee, in his free time, privately studied sound engineering, music & film production, astrology, web designing & hosting, domaining, and Internet marketing.

His travels to about 20 countries of the world positively exposed him to different cultures, thus preparing him for the 'challenges ahead'. His interests include music, anti-corruption crusade, domaining, sports, current affairs and web designing/hosting.

After leaving the shipping world, he returned to Nigeria and established his Olu Adebeshin & Co (Oluade Music). The setup later upgraded to Bona Vee Investments Limited (Bona Vee Music) and finally Bona Vee Music LLP.

Bona Vee continued writing songs, now mainly with a songwriting partner, a Nigeria-based citizen of Equatorial Guinea, an accomplished professional guitarist called Eusebio Ndongo (aka Sebi Don). He became responsible for writing the music to most of the new songs while Bona Vee solely wrote the lyrics.

Some talented upcoming and seasoned singers and songwriters (Dickson Ek, Cynthia, B. B. Jo, Pap Leo, Bona Vee Singers, The Undertakers, etc) were signed to the company and properly groomed in the art of songwriting and performing. Some of the resulting songs were published, recorded and released, as necessary. These artistes' songs and/or recordings are still being massively promoted globally. They are available for streaming and downloading on all music platforms; Spotify, YouTube, Apple, iTunes, etc

As Nigeria's  No 1 music publisher, Bona Vee Music constantly pitches songs to suitable potential recording artistes and organizations worldwide. 


Due to his belief in the importance of education, Bona Vee started the African Dream Foundation - ADF 90 (now known as Nocomin Foundation) in 1986/87 for the quality education and positive development of the African youth. Scholarships were awarded to deserving students.


In 1994, further driven by his desire to see the total emancipation of the African youth, and his total belief in, and adherence to, the rule of law, this committed pro-democracy/human rights activist joined the National Conscience Party (NCP), a pro-democracy/human rights organization newly-formed by the multi-award-winning Nigerian human rights lawyer and pro-democracy activist, Chief Gani Fawehinmi, Senior Advocate of Nigeria (R.I.P). As a result of his dedication and total commitment to the cause, Bona Vee quickly rose to become the first elected Chairman of the Ogun State, Nigeria chapter of NCP.

In 1995, during the general pro-democracy clampdown by the Nigerian military dictatorship, Bona Vee was arrested, along with many other pro-democracy/human rights leaders, and was detained in various police and security service cells in Ogun and Lagos States. He was eventually charged to court but as expected, he easily won his case. Thankfully, the struggle was not in vain as Nigeria returned to full multi-party democracy in 1999.

In 2003, as the executive director (Nigeria), Bona Vee played a prominent role in the formation of the Kay Morris Foundation (KMF), an international (Canadian) NGO set up by Evangelist Kay Morris, a Canada-based multi-award-winning Gospel Music singer-songwriter. Kay Morris, through KMF, went on to do a great humanitarian job in Africa, especially in Ghana, where her effort is still being appreciated in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS.

Meanwhile, Bona Vee has established a non-denominational Christian Ministry, the New Order Christian Outreach Ministries (Nocomin), after successfully completing relevant pastoral courses. One major objective of Nocomin is to assist the poor and the needy in the society.

As a BMI/Harry Fox-affiliated music publisher, Bona Vee Music welcomes JVs, sub/co-publishing and master tape licensing deals with foreign music publishers and record companies (labels).